Bertin pioneers in Airborne Particles Collection and has developed Coriolis - Portable Air Sampler & Bio-Identifier. Bertin offers the only standoff gas cloud detector in the market for real time surveillance with source localisation Second Sight MS. It has been designed for early warning and real time visualisation of suspicious gas clouds.

Coriolis RECON is a ruggedized bio-aerosol sampler, dedicated to CBRN Recon teams or first responders, with quick deployment in case of bio-threat suspicion. Coriolis ® RECON is efficient, portable and has been ruggedized for unfamiliar environment.
Coriolis RECON offers flexibility with a choice of 2 operating modes:
Autonomous sampling: triggered by the operator wearing IPE; it can be used by Recon teams or first responders or for mobile applications to rapidly obtain a sample and identify the biological threat.
Biological sentry mode: for a long time surveillance of critical areas, Coriolis ® RECON can be set up in a standby mode, waiting for an order of a warning system

Also discover the option designed for 2 hours sampling process : easily adapted on the Coriolis ® Recon, this option is ideal for the monitoring of a special area for a long period.
An injection pump allows to compensate the evaporation of the liquid and thus the volume of liquid inside the cone is always optimal for an efficient sampling.

Second Sight MS is the perfect solution for critical area surveillance and protection against chemical threats (Chemical Warfare Agent, Toxic Industrial Compounds).
With night and day surveillance capability, Second Sight MS detects, identifies and visualizes a cloud of dangerous gas in real time at a distance up to 5km.​
​Main Applications :
Early warning in case of chemical threat on battle field
First responders vehicle deployment for public events
Enhanced surveillance of industrial sites